Gangi, a gem of ancient secrets and traditions

Gangi in the winterIf you think of visiting the town of Gangi, in Sicily, you should absolutely read my travel post. I know that much information has been published about this village, recently. Some sources also say that Gangi is the most beautiful village of Italy. Is this true or not? As a good and careful Sicilian, I noticed that information on Gangi is fairly poor and partially incomplete. For this reason, I strongly invite you to read this post about Gangi, because you’ll discover many further things about this town. If  you are ready to know more about Gangi, follow the paragraphs below.

Where is Gangi

GangiGangi is an ancient village in the province of Palermo, which overlooks the stunning landscape of the Madonie mounts. Just in these mountains, it is a beautiful natural Park. For this reason, the landscape of Gangi is really breathtaking and always for this reason, the town has been rewarded as the most beautiful village of Italy. The village is nestled on Marone Mount, surrounded by green hills and with the stunning view of Etna in front of it ( see the image).  Just think that Gangi is one of the few points of the West of Sicily where you can see Etna volcano. The town is located on the ruins of a Hellenic settlement. Walking a small road, you arrive in a true medieval village surrounded by medieval and ancient walls. The downtown was fully rebuilt in 1300, after the destruction occurred in the war of the Sicilian Vespers. Nowadays, Gangi is regarded as the most beautiful historical town of Italy, a magical and silent place among culture, tradition and stunning views. There, you’ll also have the opportunity to listen to your soul and contemplate the beauty of nature.


valguarnera palaceThe history of Gangi is intertwined with reality and legend.

According to a  legend, after losing their ships and  their warlord, the Cretans came to Sicily by following Minosse in the search for Dedalo.

Afterwards,  they decided to settle in Gangi and founded the settlement of Minoa. Some of them arrived up to the more internal town, where they  founded the city of Engyon and built a temple devoted to the mother goddesses. Over the years,  the village became  strong and powerful and the temple filled with many treasures. For this reason, it was taken over by the Romans.  But maybe this is only a legend. The true story of Gangi, instead, dates back to the Middle Age. At that time, the town belonged to Geraci county, under the domination of Guerrera countess. There was also a fortress, built on the rock and dating back the Byzantine or Saracen age.  From the XIII century to 1625, Gangi belonged to Ventimiglia family. In 1299, the town was destroyed during the battle of the Vespers and the new village was rebuilt on Marone mount. To protect it from further raids, the village was surrounded by high walls  and defense towers.  During that time, also the beautiful  Ventimiglia tower was built. The access roads of the town were very small and narrow and these features made it still more attractive.  In the Middle age, Gangi was also ruled by several religious orders which built many churches.  In the XVIII century instead, artists and  writers settled in Gangi along with the local owners of the town’s lands. In the late XVIII and the early XIX century, the most notorious palaces of the town were built, including the municipal Palace. The latter, with a new gothic  style.  The history of the following years witnessed the slow decline of the local aristocracy,  Italy reunification and the two world wars, but above all, in the early years of the past century, Gangi witnessed the most incisive and firm battle against the Sicilian Mafia. This battle was conducted by Prefect Cesare Mori. Many mobsters were imprisoned thanks to him and some of them escape  to the US and Argentina.  Also Gangi is the most sublime symbol of the fight against the Mafia. For this reason, you must visit it! In the past century, unfortunately, emigration didn’t concern only the fugitive mobsters, but also the local inhabitants. The phenomenon  continued  in our century.  Many people, men and women, flee from Gangi to search for a better future abroad and to find a job. The economic crisis and the lack of job opportunities forced many Sicilians to leave Gangi and the town ended up abandoned with the population decreased from 16000 to less than 6000 inhabitants.

In 2014, to foster tourism and the resettlement of Gangi, the mayor launched an unusual initiative: selling the houses of Gangi for one euro.

Gangi houses for sale for 1 euro

Gangi-alleyUnfortunately, this town became very famous all over the world just for what I said in the paragraph above, namely for the houses of the town for sale for one euro. In reality, they would have been sold for one euro, but provided that the new owner paid for 35,000 euros of renovation works, at least. The price of 1 euro was only symbolic. In 2014, foreign people invaded Gangi to buy these notorious houses for an euros, while they found owners who sold their old houses for 15,000 euros, instead! I think that if you want to visit Gangi to buy houses for one euro, it is better you don’t move from your home. Do you really want to buy a property in Sicily for an euros and then spend 35,000, 40,000 euros to renovate it? I don’t think. Often I receive messages from foreign buyers interested in cheap properties for sale in Sicily, but when it is the moment to buy, they step backward and never buy! The homes of Gangi offered for free or for 1 euro were only abandoned, ruined and crumbled homes that needed to be razed to the ground and rebuilt from scratch. The positive side has been that the initiative rebooted tourism in Gangi. Hence, visit Gangi for vacation or for your holidays in Sicily, but forget the sale of the houses for free or for one euro.

What to do in Gangi

ventimiglia castleIn Gangi you can do many things. The most important are the ones to visit the main tourist attractions of the village.  Since Gangi  is nestled in the mountains and is formed by narrow alleys, you must stroll these alleys to visit all of its  attractions. The town is very small, anyway,  and you can visit it in a weekend. Through these alleys, you’ll see the ancient houses curled up among them. They shaped a unique downtown with the churches and their tower bells. Through the stunning view of Popolo square, you can also admire the  beneath valley and the roofs of the medieval houses, along with the cone of Etna mount.  Among them,  you can visit,  the noble Palaces, such as palazzo Spadari, which is the seat of a Museum, and Bongiorno Palace, which is the seat of the municipality. The entire town of Gangi is surmounted by Ventimiglia castle ( see the image),  built in XIV century on the will of Francesco I Ventimiglia. It is on Barone Mount, at a height of 1000 meters. The main façade overlooks Valguarnera square, among two ancient towers and a classical medieval doorway.

The most picturesque tourist attractions of Gangi are the churches, such as the mother church, Holy Spirit Church, San Paolo Church and San Cataldo church. In  the mother church you can also visit the crypt of the dead priests.

Gangi crypt and mummies

gangi mummiesIn the Mother Church of Gangi, you can visit a crypt containing the corpses of mummified priests. In the town, the crypts is called” the tomb of the dead priests, “a fossa de parrini” in Sicilian. It consists of two large and adjacent rooms connected to the dark basements of the church. The basements are closed nowadays , but in the past they also were used as burials. In the internal zone of the Crypt, you can see a drier that was used to dry the corpses and drain the body liquids. The corpses were mummified through a natural method. The same corpses were covered with sacerdotal garments. The heads were detached from the corpses, waxed and hung to a stick to be better preserved. Every niche, which contains the corpses, is labeled with the names and the works of the dead priests, in order to make known what they did during gangi crypttheir earthly life. The crypt of the dead priests is a particular burial containing the corpses of the priests who carried out their religious functions in this town between 1728 and 1871. This crypt also contains the corpse of the famous Sicilian priest, poet and medic Giuseppe Fedele Vitale. His tomb was found closed with two locks during the renovation works of the crypt. The reason of this is perhaps linked to the death of this priest, who committed suicide and for this he didn’t deserve to be resurrected and exposed to the public. Soon before to enter the crypt, on the wall above the stair, you’ll read the following words: “The living ones go down, to visit death, before that death falls over to visit you. It is always good to prevent the fate”. It is a spiritual warn to address your life to God. Entering the crypt, you can see an entrance hall, the ancient seat of a catholic order , where you can admire the pictures and frescoes dating back 1735. On the opposite side, you’ll see the mummies, standing up in the niches and held by an invisible stick, dressed with a sacerdotal hat and religious garments. Some of them are well preserved, others are rotten and covered with wax. On the niches, you’ll see shelves containing other burials with corpses of other fathers and priests. To visit Gangi crypt and for more information about opening hours, you can see the official website of the town.

How to get to Gangi

Gangi viewGangi is located out of the borders of the province of Palermo, 120 km away from this city. It lies on Marone mount. There, the village appears as a rocky cone with leaning houses separated from two large valleys, where two rivers, Gangi and Rainò, run. You can get to Gangi by plane, train, car, bus and by boat. By plane, you must land at Palermo airport. Then, you can take a bus to go to Cefalù or Gangi. You can also go to Palermo rail station by taxi and from there reach Gangi by train. You can also go to Palermo port by taxi and go to Gangi by boat. From Palermo airport to can also take a bus to easily reach Cefalù, Gangi and Catania. If you want to reach Gangi by car, follow this pathway:
From Palermo: Highway A19, interchange Irosa, Blufi, forks of Madonnunna , Petralia Soprana and Geraci Siculo, toward Sperlinga, Nicosia. From Palermo, you can also follow the interchange Tremonzelli , forks of Polizzi Generosa, Castellana Sicula, Petralia Sottana, Geraci Siculo (toward Sperlinga) and Nicosia. However, the second pathway is  longer than the first.
From Catania: Highway A19, interchange Mulinello, Leonforte, fork of Nicosia, Sperlinga.

If you are already in Cefalù, you can get to Gangi through S.S 286 torward Castelbuono and Geraci Siculo.


In Gangi, hotels and accommodations have the same charm of the village. They have a medieval style and give the impression to travel back in time. Gangi is far from the beaches and hotels and accommodation are located on the mountains and in the green and stunning Sicilian countryside. They fit a quiet vacation in any season. Just because the hotels are distant from the beaches of Palermo and Cefalù, reservation prices are fairly affordable. Indeed, reservation prices start from 45 euros. However, in summer, they could be higher. Gangi is also suitable to live an enjoyable experience of rural tourism, in the picturesque farmhouses located on the Madonie mounts. They have been gained from the renovation of ancient medieval castles and palaces. Today, even the famous Ventimiglia castle, one of the most important tourist attractions of Gangi, is a hotel managed by private owners. To book a stunning accommodation in Gangi, you can click this link.

Photocredits in order of appearance:

Raffaella Fazio

18 Replies to “Gangi, a gem of ancient secrets and traditions”

    1. Unfortunately, vacation homes can be very expensive in Sicily. If you want to purchase a house in Gangi, I advise that you visit this village, first.

      1. Hello my name is Gaetano Scalia
        I am interested in purchasing a home in Sicily
        I have been ready about a town called Gangi where you can buy a home for 1 Euro
        i would like to know if there are other places in Sicily where I can purchase
        Can yo please send me more info on this
        (My father is originally from the town of Montallegro Province of Agrigento)
        Thank you

        1. Hi Gaetano, it is not so easy to find 1 euro homes. The other Sicilian villages which offered this type of purchase have been Sambuca di Sicilia, Mussomeli and Cammarata. If there are other towns which sell 1 euro homes, you’ll surely will know on international media. I discussed about Sambuca and Cammarata and I’ll talk about Mussomeli, also.

  1. Hi Rosalba,

    I am Argentinian and my great grandmother was from Palermo, but we never knew where in Palermo her family came from. The reason is that, when she was a baby, one of her brothers got killed and from one day to the next, her father decided to embark the whole family to make a fresh start in Argentina. This would’ve been back in 1895, approximately, and they didn’t like to talk about their painful past in Italy.

    Two weeks ago, I made a firm decision of requesting my Italian citizenship, as it’s a lifelong dream of mine and my right (3 of my great grandparents were Italian), although due to an old law from 1912 or so regarding Italian women loosing their citizenship when marrying a non Italian, the only way I can request my citizenship is via trial. This is one of the things that held me back until now.
    Anyway, after researching online for hours and hours to try and find out any clue as to what comune my great grandmother came from, within those 2 weeks I found out that she came from Gangi. I even found her atto di nascita in familysearch, from back in 1894! It is incredible what can be found on the internet these days! She was born in Via S Lucia, in Gangi, which so far I haven’t found.
    I wanted to share my story with you as you shared this wonderful article about Gangi, a place I’m falling in love with!

    1. Thanks Maria for sharing the story of your family with me and on my blog. I am very sorry to hear about the sad vicissitudes of your relatives. They have a lot in common with the ones of my grandmother. Her sister went to Argentina in the early years of the past century. When I was a little girl, I always saw my grandmother who loudly read the letters she received from the sister. Many, many thanks, really, for informing me about all you endured in your lifetime. I really hope the information you received through my blog helped you, a bit.

  2. Hi Rosalba !
    We are travelling with my husband to Sicily next October.
    After Cefalú we are going by car to Taormina. I was told that is better to take the coast route but I eant to visit Gangi and Castelbuono . What do you think ?
    Is worth changing my route to visit them ?
    What restaurants do you recommend me to go.
    Thank you !!!

    1. Hi Maria, to make your travel easier, I suggest that you visit Cefalù, Gangi and Castelbuono, first, because these towns are all in the province of Palermo.
      After them, you can reach Taormina by car, through the Palermo – Messina highway. Don’t forget to take the North exit, because if you take the South exit, you’ll arrive in Giardini Naxos, instead of Taormina. The North exit will conduct you to Castelmola, a small medieval village with a restaurant on the top of a hill where I ate delicious dishes. I don’t know the quality of the restaurants in Gangi or Castelbuono. The latter has a picturesque tavern called Cycas, where you can taste the traditional autumn local dishes. I hope this information will be helpful to you.

  3. Thank you for your posts, I have been researching my mother’s family and how they settled in the United States. I have birth records for my maternal ancestral line, mostly in the town of Mussomeli.
    It so happens that history as its come to me only spoke of Mussomeli. I then found out my papa’s mother was from the town of Racalmuto. I have been to Mussomeli and was lucky to meet not only my older relatives, but their children – some who returned for the summers from distant places UK, US etc.

    I want to know more about papa’s mother. My grandfather came to the US when he was 16. However, his father died when he was 6, and he had a widowed mother and 3 sisters. I can only guess how difficult it was for a 6 year old boy to become the man of the house. I want to learn as much as I can about his mother. So I’m planning a trip with my cousin to visit the unknown history of her family. I have some names of relatives there.

    how would you plan such a trip?
    many thanks, Meri

    1. Hi Meri, thank you for sharing the history of your family with me. I suggest that you bring the names of your relatives with you and show them to the registry officers of the municipalities of Mussomeli and Racalmuto.
      You find information to reach them here:, Furthermore, even though these villages are in two different provinces (Caltanissetta and Agrigento), they are not distant from each other. Land at Palermo Airport, take the highway Palermo – Catania and you’ll arrive in Caltanisetta, there, by car, you’ll reach Mussomeli and always by car, you’ll arrive in Racalmuto. I hope this information will be helpful for you.

  4. Hello and thank you for this post. I am considering buying a property in Gangi and spending a part of the year there. I am Canadian with very little Italian (although I speak French fluently and am studying Italian). Would a foreigner be welcomed into the life of the community? Thank you, JR

    1. Sure, Jill, foreigners are always welcome for the warm Sicilian communities.
      They have a deep respect for foreign people. Of course, you’ll have to learn Italian, a bit.
      For the rest, I wish you the best for your new life in Sicily.

  5. Thank-you for publishing this article. My grandfather was born in Gangi and his family immigrated to NYC in the early 1900’s. I’ve tried twice to go to Sicily but the trip was cancelled. I hope to get there soon. Their family name is Romeo.

    1. Thank you, Robin, for finding this article helpful.
      I really hope you can visit Gangi very soon, to retrace the Sicilian roots of your family on the spot.

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