If you are looking for buying a cheap property to retire in Sicily, you must absolutely read this post. That is an informative and comprehensive article written by a Sicilian woman who lives in Sicily and who knows the best Sicilian places where you can buy cheap and affordable properties to spend your retired life. This woman is me. Nevertheless, before buying a cheap retirement property in Sicily, you must also read the following premise.
Cheap properties to avoid
In fact, it is easy you find cheap properties in very ugly and uncomfortable Sicilian places than in the fabulous and the unspoiled ones. However, the best places to buy a cheap property in Sicily exist, but they are always kept secret. Indeed, if you buy a cheap property anywhere in Sicily, you could remain very disappointed! Many apparently attractive places, in fact, are annoying because of bad mannered people to make noises and make life a real strength test. Well, do you want to buy a seafront property? You must know that beaches are quiet and calm in the winter, but noisy and too crowded in the summer. And so, if you think of spending your retirement in these places, you are wrong! Furthermore, there are also polluted zones in Sicily, where the price of properties is very cheap, almost a great bargain, but there, you risk to breath polluted air or the smell from exhaust pipe cars and scooters. Yes, some beautiful Sicilian properties are located in high traffic density zones. Hence, don’t buy in the downtown of Catania, Messina, Syracuse or Palermo, for example, but not even in the downtown of the East of Sicily, such as Modica and Noto. Here, you can find beautiful and expensive apartments for rent, but not cheap properties for sale. The secret Sicilian places with the best real estate bargains are elsewhere. Anyway, don’t get discouraged, now! If you want to buy a cheap retirement property in Sicily, continue reading the following paragraphs and you’ll discover how to achieve your legit desire to buy a good and very affordable property on my island (on the other hand, I live in Sicily every day).
Cheap properties to buy or rent
If you want to really proceed with your purpose, you must know this wonderful Italian island keeps some beautiful areas where you can buy fabulous and cheap houses. Those properties are in unspoiled places, always quiet, with good services to improve your daily permanence in Sicily. In fact, the ideal property, you must buy in Sicily should have the following requirements: untouched landscape, warm and well mannered people, a strong presence of basic services, such as health care assistance, pharmacy and grocery store, maybe not just in front of your home, but at a reasonable distance that you can reach easily. Before buying, you should also try to stay in Sicily for a while or for vacation, maybe in an apartment for rent, in a charming and relaxing area, in order to really understand how the life is in Sicily.
Very often, real estate companies and agents aim only to close the deal and sell the highest number of properties in Sicily to foreign buyers. These properties are never cheap because real estate agents sell houses for business. This is not my interest, instead, and not even my business, because my mission is, only, to talk about my loved Sicily to the entire world and help my visitors enjoy the best experience here, both tourists and home buyers. Hence, if you are a Sicily lover or a Sicilian emigrant who left Sicily, many years ago, I understand very well your strong desire to come back to your Sicilian roots. You gained wellness, a good job and fulfillment in the foreign country which hosted you and once that your children grew up, you would like to return home. Well, just now, I want to assure that you can really buy a good and cheap property in Sicily in accordance with your legit desires and needs. The ideal places where buying a cheap home to retire in Sicily are among nice and quiet villages, lush green, trees and mountains, overlooking the sea, if you want, but not on the beach!
The cheapest and beautiful properties are always the one sold by private Sicilian people. Sometimes, you can find really big deals, with renovated properties, at an incredible cost. I suggest that you also look for properties to be undergone to renovation works. They are really cheap to be bought and you can also customize them as you want. Just think that, from a private seller, some years ago, I bought a cheap and pretty property in a wonderful and untouched village in Sicily. The home was in need of renovation, but I bought this home only at a cost of 15,000 euros. It is a big property with a great courtyard, plants and olive trees field and a garden. Don’t believe in those who promise you to buy a home for one euro. This is only a marketing strategy. To buy cheap retirement properties in Sicily, the prices run from 12.000 euros for homes needing renovation to 50,000 euros for renovated homes, but there are also properties that can cost over 100,000 euros and in need of strong renovation. Obviously, the latter is not a convenient bargain. Remember, the cheapest Sicilian homes are always offered by private sellers.
If you are interested in buying property in Sicily, don’t waste time, because Sicilian cheap properties are in high demand and are sold fast.
Hence, to buy a cheap property in Sicily, you should visit my island, at least, try staying there, a couple of weeks or a month, in a rental house, in order to dive into the Sicilian daily life. Then, during your vacation in Sicily, you should trying strolling the streets to see sale notices hanging on the external doors of private seller houses.
This is the best way to find a cheap property for sale in Sicily.
You must also know that in Sicily, in several picturesque Sicilian villages, such as Gangi, Cammarata and Sambuca, people can buy property for one euro.
After the purchase, the new owner must renovate the property and must spend 15,000 euros, at least. I think that it is a good deal, anyway.
Try to visit these Sicilian towns and let me know, with your comment, if you succeeded to obtain one of their very cheap properties for one euro, only.
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Rosalba Mancuso is a freelance journalist born in Sicily. Passionate about her loved island and with extensive writing experience, Rosalba worked as a contributor to the main Sicily’s newspapers and as a bilingual Italian – English writer. Thanks to her skills, she also founded three online magazines in English. On Sicilyonweb, Rosalba tells every corner of her beloved Sicily. Furthermore, she writes this blog thanks to your help. Rosalba, in fact, earns a small commission, with no cost for you, when you book your travel or buy products through the affiliate widgets or links you find in her posts.
Looking for property in sicily
Hi Joe, for any information request and to buy or rent a property in Sicily, you can send me a message to the contact form. I’ll be very happy to help you.
I will be in Sicily in October for 3 weeks looking for a home can you help
Hi Pierre, unfortunately I am not a realtor.
In my article, I explained how to find homes for sale while you are in Sicily.
Good luck!
Rosalba,I need more than help… I will have to buy a nice house in your area,I will humble accept your help. With live and light dan…a smole particular from this big Univers )))
Hi Dan,
I think it is not the right time to purchase home in Sicily.
My island has been quarantined since yesterday for the rise of people tested coronavirus positive.
Surely, you’ll be able to achieve your dream as soon as pandemic is over.
Hello Rosalba, my name is Ray Laliberte, my email is: xxxxxxxxx.
I am a retired schoolteacher, senior and a vet (Air Force). I am a native French speaker and am very interested in looking to possibly buy an inexpensive home in Italy with the intention, of course, fixing it up. I would very much like to hear from you and any advice you can give me regarding this venture. Thank you for any help you can give me. Can you send me some info on some homes? Thank you.
Hi Raymond,
Thank you so much for your kind comment.
Just emailed you with the information you need.
Hi.. Rosalba…
I have few queries ….
We are an indo Italian mixed couple living in India. She teaches online and me an organic farmer. My wife’s grandma was from Marsala. We have a dream to shift to there and wanna do organic farming to become self reliant on a piece of land.
We are going through real estate sites of Marsala to find small home with kinda 1 acre of land or less but most of d houses r in need of renovation.
My queries are _
Is that scheme of 110 % subsidy by italian govt.for buying and restorattion a house real ?
How to find the prospective house owners there to avoid real estate agents being a non resident?! It’s hard I guess.
How’s the cost of living might be fr a family of 3 there … any idea ?( we dont earn much here ..We lead a minimal life.. we r trying to be self reliant producing our food etc .. wanna do the same there )
Sorry fr d long post and so many questions. Thanks in advance. Ciao.
Hi Gautam,
I would start from the living cost. In Sicily, the living cost is not expensive in comparison with the other regions.
About the 110% subsidy, it is real benefit, but, in reality, this scheme is hard to apply in Italy and Sicily.
I am struggling just to renovate my cottage in Noto Valley with the 110%, but if it is hard for Sicily’s residents, due to the twisted Italian bureaucracy, I think it is nearly impossible for foreigners. In this case, you need to have a real estate agent, but also a surveyor and a lawyer. Moreover, they require payment in advance and if you can’t afford to pay in advance, the dream of the 110% is destined to fail. They can also ask for 10,000 euros (in advance). This is my personal experience with this matter. The only thing I got is only a big amount of stress! It is better you visit Sicily and Italy for vacation. They are not a good place for living.
Looking for cheap property in Trapani
Hi Theresa,you can send a message here. I’ll very happy to help you find the property you are looking for.
I am lookin g for a cheap property, not more than 10 km from te sea. I would like to renovate it myself. I need a (smaal) garden. thanks!
Hi Veerle, what is the place in Sicily where you would like to find the property are you looking for?
Dear Sir or Madam,
I hope this email finds you well.
My name is Kinga and I work as a Storyline Editor for TVN which is a part of Scripps Networks Interactive.
We currently produce a new show for HGTV – Mediterranean Life. It tells stories of American couples, families and individuals who left their life behind and decided to move to one of the Mediterranean countries – Sicily in this case. In the episode we show the participants visit three houses alongside the real estate agent and finally pick their dream one. We also show how their life has changed after the move. The show will be broadcast in the US on HGTV (it reaches over 40 million households in America and is accessible in 70 countries in the world). We are sure that our program will create a great opportunity to promote the region and show that it is not as hard as it may seem to relocate to the Mediterranean Europe.
We’re looking for a real estate agent who would like to appear in the show and accompany our participants during their house hunting process. We’re looking for someone who knows the local real estate market inside out, speaks English perfectly (our participants are American) and is available between 24/05-28/05. Since Sicily is a very famous place of numerous relocations among Americans, we believe that our program would give your agency a perfect opportunity to gain more international clients.
Would any of your realtors be interested in taking part in the program?
If so, please kindly let me know and I’ll be more than happy to share some more details with you.
All the best,
Kinga Plachecinska
Hi Kinga, sorry for my late reply, but I was too busy in the past weeks.
Thanks for your interesting comment.
Currently, I don’t know about foreign people who bought properties in Sicily.
However, I think they will do this very soon, especially now that they can appear on a TV show!
Hi looking for a rental property to learn the area and possibly buying later
Looking for a safe nice place close to shopping with access to buses
Doesn’t have to be beach area
We are retiring
Ok hope to hear from you soon
Hi Robert, sorry for my late reply, but I was busy to write a new article for my blog.
About your request, I am very sorry, but I can’t help you. I am not a real estate agent, but a travel writer. If you want to find rental apartments in Sicily to buy in the future, you should contact a real estate agent.
Ciao; i am looking for a home probably fixer upper around 90 square meters and some land because i have dogs. We prefer single family but not too far from town.
We are looking for a fixer upper around 90 sq meters single family close to town w some land. Thank you
Hi Sansone, unfortunately I am not a real estate agent. In the past, I offered a free and paid service to help people find cheap property in Sicily, but the potential buyers never replied to my proposals and never bought the property, even though it was just the one they wanted. Due to the high rate of time wasters, I deleted this service. If you want to really buy a property in Sicily, contact a real estate agent. Good luck!
Thank you for an interesting post, it’s exactly the kind of thing I have been looking into. Not for a retirement though but to find a 5+bedroom house to renovate and make into a writers home. Due to limited resources the places to consider end up being the ones with cheap property but I would still love to have a good climate and amazing nature. So far been considering Sicily, southern Spain and Bulgaria :D. Hopefully will be able to narrow that down a little as I plan to visit the places and get a first hand idea of the situation. That’s probably the first reasonable way to go about it.
Yes, Edith, what you said is the most reasonable way to find property in Sicily and abroad!
Hello, I truely like your helpful description .I have recently separated and looking to buy some thing for me and to start a retreat on paint dance meditate could you help and first may be meeting you as I would like to spend 2 weeks to feel if it is for me I am French.
Hi Brigitte, I published your message, but I removed your contacts for an issue of privacy.
Thanks for thinking of me, but I am not a real estate agent.
I am sure that the Sicilians who read this post and your comment will be happy to help you.
Are there schools for kids aged 5 and 7 available there? (English speaking, from US).
Dear WB,
There are several English schools in Sicily, but as regards public schools for children, they teach English and Italian, simoultaneously, because we are in Italy, there and our official language is mandatory in the Italian schools.
Buon Giorno Rosalba dal’Australia!
Grazie per questa pagina e le informazioni. Noi stiamo per fare un giro in Sicilia a Settembre di quest’anno con le intenzioni di comperare una casa. Potresti darmi qualche suggerimento oltre cosa hai già scritto qui sopra per favore? Qualsiasi informazione verra molto grata. Spero di sentirla presto!
Ciao Lawrence e grazie per il tuo commento in italiano.
L’articolo che hai letto è abbastanza completo. Di recente, al suo interno, ho aggiunto dei link di due paesi siciliani dove è possibile comprare case a un euro. Ti consiglio di cliccarli, per saperne di più. Buona lettura e buon viaggio in Sicilia.
We enjoyed your blog! My husband and I will be moving from California and purchasing a home in a small village or town in Sicily this July and are focusing on southeast Sicily from Siracusa to Agrigento close to coast or in hills however not too far into the interior.
We will be obtaining a long stay visa however having difficulty finding a one year registered rental to satisfy visa requirements especially during the holiday season.
Looking for $ 350E a month or less and a 3 month option to cancel would be desirable but no necessary. We are very flexible. Even a a small one room OK- even requiring some renovation would work to satisfy the visa requirement as we may be not occupying on a regular basis.
Can you please recommend someone who can help us with finding a suitable rental.
Jim & Erlinda
Hi Jim and Erlinda,
thank you so much for appreciating my blog.
Unfortunately, I live in the province of Catania and I can’t recommend you apartments for rent in the other provinces.
You can book an apartment through the affiliate links you’ll find on my blog, in the destinations you want, in order to deal with the owners, personally, about your request. I hope this helps.
I’m looking to purchase a cheap property in Sicily. Do you know of any local realtors that can assist me with this?
Hi Cordell, I am looking for local realtors who can help my visitors buy cheap properties in Sicily. At the moment, I am not sure to finding what I looked for. Anyway, I advise that you visit this page frequently, because I’ll update it with new information as soon as I found interesting references for all of you.
We are not looking for a house yet but are looking to retire in Sicily but I haven’t seen anywhere if you can just move to Sicily without a visa. All I have found is if you live there for 10+ years then you apply for citizenship. I was wondering if you need any sort of visa to live in Sicily or can you just move there and live? Grazie!
Hi Dimitri, thanks for your very interesting question. Usually, to live in Italy (hence in Sicily, also), non-EU immigrants need a visa to work. Those who are retired can ask for a limitless visa. The latter is not for job, but to gain a permanent residence in Italy. You can get more detailed information about that at the Italian Embassy in your Country.
Hey Rosalba,
How do you find private sellers?
Hi Charlie, I explained how to find private sellers in my article. I suggest that you read it carefully.
Hello everyone, i am a sicilian expat and i work in north italy. I am 30 years old and i am the owner of a classical building in augusta island (sicily, siracuse).
My life is far from sicily and I can not manage the building from 1000 miles away, and so I decided to sell it.
I think this is a great opportunity to buy a beatiful building at a very low price.
I will be in sicily during august for vacation but my mother lives there and can show you the place anytime.
Please let me know if you’re interested in.
Have a nice evening
Hi Federico, thanks for sharing the story about your property in Sicily.
I don’t know how many potential buyers you’ll get so way, but you did well to try. Good luck!
I am looking for closing costs associated with buying a house in Sicily from a private owner. There are many web sites but I can’t seem to find up to date cost/%.
Thank you very much for your time.
Hi Richard, no problem. I am very happy to reply about your interesting question.
Uaually, to buy property in Italy and hence in Sicily, also, you must consider two options to evaluate the cost%.
If you buy your first property in Sicily, you don’t pay the 10% of taxes for the house. To save this 10%, you must be also committed to reside in the property within 18 months from the purchase, otherwise, Italy will claim the 10% you saved in the moment of the purchase. This 10% is calculated on the market value of the house. If you don’t reside in Sicily, you’ll pay the municipal tax on property.Unfortunately,the percent of this municipal tax depends of the municipality where you buy the home. If you reside in Sicily, you don’t pay the 10% and the municicipal tax, but other kind of taxes for water supplying and waste disposal service. These taxes always depend on the size of the home and that is why you can’t find comprehensive information on the web. They can go from 500 to 1000 euros per year. I hope this reply will be helpful to you.
Hello Rosalba,I have a son getting married in Palermo soon, I am of retirement age and would like to buy a property outside of Palermo where I can stay when I visit .
Hi John, thanks for sharing with me this information. Unfortunately, it is hard finding cheap properties in the area of Palermo. I always suggest that you try a long term rental house before buying the property you want.
I have recently been thinking of buying a property in Sicily, however, I have been told by 2 persons already (including a real estate agent in confidence) to watch it. The reason is that if people decide to go in the property while I am not there, I will have to pay the bills and the law does not protect the owner especially if the children within that family are under 18 years of age. Have you heard anything yourself?
Hi Diane, your friends are right.
If you don’t reside in the home in Sicily, those people who occupy the property illegally can remain there forever if they have children or disabled people with them. And you must pay the bills as an owner! Unfortunately, this is one of the unfair things that happen in Sicily.
Hi Rosalba
Many thanks for your reply. Does this happen often and is there an intention of the government changing this law? Is it possible to do an alarm system that alerts the police or it does not matter? It is a bit bizarre that owners are not protected by the law.
Many thanks
Thank you Diane, for appreciating my reply.
New Italy’s government (it is forming these days) could change this unfair law.
In the meanwhile, you can defend yourself with alarm systems that alert the police and that you can see straight on the screen of your device, even from your Country. Usually, these systems discourage people who want to rob or occupy your property.
Thank you for your advise dear Rosalba. Much appreciated!
Happy to be helpful to you, dear Diane.
Im looking a nice House in marina di ragusa i like that place or ragusa i like ulit too.
Hi Noel, unfortunately it is hard to find cheap property in Marina di Ragusa or in Ragusa with olive trees, also. This place has a strong tourist relevance by now, because of the famous TV movie on Inspector Montalbano. However, you did well to post your comment. I hope you’ll be reached by an owner from Ragusa, here.
Hello- I was wondering if Federico ever sold his classical building in augusta island (sicily, siracuse)?
Hi Samantha, Federico has surely received a notification from this blog about your comment. If he does not reply, it means he sold.
Hi there, Im interested in buying a 1 Euro home at Gangi…I have sent out emails to the government offices but I haven’t gotten an answer. Can you give me an Idea of who to contact before I go in person to Gangi?
Hi Aracely, if you didn’t receive replies to your email messages, try to contact the officers of Gangi on the phone.
Use the numbers of this link: http://www.comune.gangi.pa.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=319&Itemid=129. Add the Italian area code 0039 or + 39 before dialling these phone numbers.
Ciao Rosalba,
Cosa ne pensi della zona Trabia, San Nicola in provincia di Palermo.
Pensiamo di passare da i 3 a i 6 mesi annui . Pensi che sarebbe meglio comprare o affittare. Grazie per il tuo aiuto.
Buon Natale
Ciao Paolo,
Ti consiglio di affittare. In Sicilia, se non ci vivi stabilmente, non conviene comprare.
Le case incustodite possono essere danneggiate dai vandali, comportando spese impreviste.
Affitta e goditi 3 o 6 mesi senza pensieri.
Quelli lasciali al proprietario.
Buon Natale anche a te.